Terms and Conditions

The following words have these meanings in this Agreement unless the contrary intention appears:

Account” means any business account nominated by you for the purposes of this
Agreement (for and including settlement, Chargeback or billing purposes)

Agent(s)”means person(s) registered and paid the license fees to use the Chap Chap Africa Limited platform.

Agreement” means this Agreement, including the Schedules, as amended from time to time.

Application” means the online application for Chap Chap Africa Limited completed by users and submitted to us online;

Business Day” means any day between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm on which banks are open for business.

Cash back” means an electronic token given to an Agent and Customer after making their purchase through the Chap Chap Africa Limited platform as an incentive by the company.

Cash back bonuses” means an electronic token given to an Agent(s) for the transactions accruing from their team.

Chap Chap Africa Limited Mobile App” means the application that can be downloaded from the iTunes website http://www.apple.com/au/itunes/ or through Google Play Store http://play.google.com/store/apps through which Transactions can be processed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

Chap Chap Africa Limited Web App” means the application that can be access via the website;
https://www.chapchap.co/app/ through which Transactions can be processed in accordance with
the terms of this Agreement;

Chap Chap Africa Limited Portal” means an internet site providing
access or links leading to Chap Chap Africa Limited website.

Chap Chap Africa Limited Website” means a set of pages of information on the internet published by chap chap on www.chapchap.co;

Chap Chap Africa Limited Platform” means software used to host chap chap application.

Commissions” means fee given to agents for acquiring other new agents on behalf of the company.

Customer(s)” means group of users who do not pay license fee to use the application but have
same access of use as agents save for cash back bonuses, commissions and referring function.

Electronic” means implemented on or by means of a computer: involving a computer.

Intellectual Property” means creations of the human mind for which exclusive rights are recognized
which include but not limited to all patents, patent applications, Trade Marks, designs, copyright, know-how, trade secrets, eligible layout rights, domain names, internet addresses, rights in confidential information, and all other intellectual property rights whether registered or unregistered.

Law” includes any law, statute, regulation, ordinance, proclamation, by-law, statutory instrument or order, rules (including the Rules) or codes of conduct issued by regulatory bodies;

License fee(s)” means an amount of money paid by the agent(s) to get a privilege of agency to perform on behalf of the company in line of business.

Password” means a secret phrase or characters that allow users access to their personal accounts on the platform.

Stock” means a prepaid virtual product that Chap Chap Africa Limited o ers..

Transaction” means an exchange or transfer of goods, services or funds electronically.

Sponsor” means an agent who introduces another agent or customer to the company.

Organization” means a group of organized agents on Chap Chap Africa Limited platform who coordinate their individual efforts in respective teams for a collective goal.

Team” means a group of Agents who share a common purpose and are mutually committed to the goal of each other.

Confidential information” means any information or material which is proprietary to the Owner, whether or not owned or developed by the Owner, which is not generally known other than by the Owner, and which the Recipient may obtain through any direct or indirect contact with the Owner. Regardless of whether specifically identified as confidential or proprietary, Confidential Information shall include any information provided by the Owner concerning the business, technology and information of the Owner and any third party with which the Owner deals, including, without limitation, business records and plans, trade secrets, technical data, product ideas, contracts, financial information, pricing structure, discounts, computer programs and listings, source code and/or object code, copyrights and intellectual property, inventions, sales leads, strategic alliances, partners, agent’s lists and customer and client lists. The nature of the information and the manner of disclosure are such that a reasonable person would understand it to be confidential.

Users” refers to both agents and customers of Chap Chap Africa Limited.

Becoming an Agent

CHAP CHAP Registration

A new applicant is required to read and agree to the terms of the Application and Agreement.

The application should be accurately completed in its entirety by the applicant(s), (provide accurate and complete information, must agree to the terms of the Application and Agreement personally.)

The Company reserves the right to reject any Application at its sole discretion.

Upon notification of acceptance by Chap Chap Africa Limited, the new Agent will be entered into the Chap Chap Africa Limited system.

If there are any errors on an Application, an Agent should verify with the Support Department as soon as the error is discovered (within 24 hours) to avoid delays in any rights under the Agreement.

By submitting the Agent’s Application/Agreement, the Agent also agrees to the registration in the CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED platform and all terms and conditions. Eligibility requirements to become an Agent are as follows:

Legal Age. Any individual who is of legal age (18 years) and residing in a country where the Chap Chap Africa Limited is doing registered is eligible to become an Agent.

Valid active Mobile Number. A valid active mobile number is required to be registered. The mobile number is verified to determine it is active. Incorrect Identification shall result into membership termination.

Independent Representatives. Agents are Independent Representatives. They are not franchisees, joint ventures, Associates or employees of COMPANY, and are prohibited from stating or implying whatsoever orally or in writing, otherwise. Agents have no authority to bind CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED AFRICA LIMITED to any obligation. CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED AFRICA LIMITED is not
responsible for payment or co-payment of any employee benefits. Agents are responsible for liability, health, disability, workmen’s compensation and other insurance and for any other registration required by the Laws of the country of residence of the Agents.

Agents set their own hours and determine how to conduct their COMPANY business and are
responsible for their own management decisions subject to the Agreement. The reference to “position” is as it applies to agent’s participation in the Global Plan (the Universal payment structure) and adherence to the Agreement.

Positions in the network

By Registering under the selected position in the network and/or sponsor Agent, hereby
acknowledges to holding the responsibility for that; the link I used to enroll or that the placement I selected is the right one.

The Company does NOT allow any changes to positions nor sponsor Agents changes.
The said is without any exceptions at all.

This is because Chap Chap Africa Limited platform uses real time commissions and therefore will not at any situation correct mistakes done by you as an Agent.

Agent membership is personal and not assignable, nor transferable.

>> I hereby con rm that I understand this and that the responsibility is solely resting on me as an Agent.

Your Personal Account

Application and Mobile Application,

You agree that you are responsible for maintaining and protecting the confidentiality of your account and Password and restricting access to your registered account.

You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or Password and not hold the Company responsible in any way whatsoever.

An Agent should maintain their Account and make sure that they are licensed at all times by paying the license fees annually.

If an agent is not licensed at any time, they forfeit their cash back bonuses and commissions for the unlicensed period.

Commissions, cash backs and cash back bonuses

Percentages on commissions, cash backs and cash back bonuses can be changed any time as and when CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED deems it.

There can be delays or non-receipt of the commissions, cash backs and cash back bonuses.

In case of any delay or non-receipt, contact the Support team within 24 hours.

Cash backs and cash back bonuses for agents are available for payout and conversion into stock once a month. But commissions are immediately available for pay out and conversion into stock.

Once commissions, cash backs or cash back bonuses are converted into stock, then Chap Chap Africa Limited Africa Limited cannot pay it out.

Buying stock

Everyone who buys stock from our platform is pre-paying for a service and therefore enjoys cash backs every time they redeem their stock.


Users hereby accept that:

CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED reserves the right to, at any given time, change the CHAP CHAP AFRICA

Should a change ever be needed it will be done to protect the longevity of CHAP CHAP AFRICA
LIMITED AFRICA LIMITED as a company, and therefore also provide a secure and long-term business for both himself/herself and CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED AFRICA LIMITED.
The said comes to ALL areas of the payment plan including but not limited to any potential profit sharing or other benefits provided by the CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED AFRICA LIMITED Payment Plan.

Payment Methods

Currently CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED AFRICA LIMITED accepts the following payment methods:

  • Bank transfer
  • Mobile Money
  • VISA/MasterCard and other cards

More will be communicated as and when effected.

Prohibited activities

The company reserves the right to terminate the agent’s agency found to be involved in any
activities that can tarnish or compromise the OPERATIONS AND REPUTATION of Chap Chap Africa Limited Africa Limited or jeopardize its existence. This includes but not limited to,

Encroachment on Chap Chap Africa Limited’s property, rights and WORKMANSHIP.
Note: Confidential information is Chap Chap Africa Limited’s Property.

Anyone involved in scams – A scam is referred to as fraudulent scheme performed by dishonest
person, group or company in an attempt to obtain money or something else of value. It is an illegal plan for making money.

A person involved in ponzi schemes – this is referred to as fraudulent investing in scam promising high rates of returns with little risk to investors. Get-rich quick schemes which pays investors the money paid by subsequent investors.

Any agent found to be involved in any practice behavior by way of communication, oral, text or
otherwise in a way defined here above or otherwise any act resultant of which will put Chap Chap Africa Limited and or its agents, associates, partners and customers, TO DETRIMENT, SUCH A PERSON’S USER ACCOUNT WILL BE TERMINATED, CLOSED OR DEACTIVATED AT THE SOLE

Conflict of Interest:

Agents are not free to participate and/or recruit, in other direct sales, multilevel or network marketing business ventures during this agreement and 6 months thereafter.

The term “recruit” means actual or attempted solicitation, enrollment, encouragement, or effort to influence in any other way, either directly or through a third party, another CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED’s Agent or customer to enroll or participate in another multilevel
marketing, network marketing or direct sales opportunity. This conduct constitutes recruiting even if the actions are in response to an inquiry made by another agent or customer.

In addition to the above, without prejudice to the independent status of the Agent and the
stipulations above, Agents are restrained from promoting competitive companies and products e.g. Network Marketing companies, Online Telecom Companies and Ecommerce among others.

Any person involved in competitive business, SUCH A PERSON’S USER ACCOUNT WILL BE

Personal Information

Correct and true information

You confirm that information kept and maintained by CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED about you is true, correct at all times.

An Agent should be able to disseminate right information about CHAP CHAP AFRICA
LIMITED at all times and therefore should attend all trainings organized by CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED to keep abreast.

The company will not take responsibility for any liability caused by untrue information.

Use of personal Information:

The personal information provided by user will be exclusively used to operate and administer the users CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED AFRICA LIMITED account. Save for where it is specifically provided otherwise.

The consent you have provided herein regarding your personal information to CHAP
CHAP AFRICA LIMITED shall also extend to any other person or corporation to which CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED may transfer its business, provided that such personal information is used for the same purposes.

Third parties

CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED may though share such information from time to time with the following third parties:

Directors and managers of the Company and its local and foreign associate companies who have a need to access your personal information in carrying out their responsibilities;

Any Agent, contractor, supplier, vendor, or third party who provides administrative, advertising, printing, or other services to the CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED or its Agent companies, including but not limited to distribution centers, external auditors, trustees, insurance companies, service provider, actuaries;

Sponsor Agent who may need access to his personal in or her organizational information in order to monitor sales activity and business development in their personal sales groups. However, the CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED does not share credit card information or Social Security or Social Insurance Numbers with any third party without your permission or unless required by law or valid court order;

Any government agency or other appropriate governmental, police or regulatory authority or
elsewhere in order to meet legal security and regulatory requirements; and in the case of any
consultant / company appointed by the CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED to plan, provide and/or administer Agent benefits.


During the term of the Agreement and thereafter, CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED may supply to Agents con dential information. All such information (whether in written or electronic form) is proprietary and con dential to CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED
and is transmitted to Agents in strictest con dence on a “need to know” As is for use solely in Agents’ business with CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED.

Agents must keep such information con dential and must not disclose any such information to any third party, directly, or indirectly.

Upon expiration, non-renewal or termination of the Agreement, Agents must continue to keep such information confidential, discontinue the use of such confidential information and promptly return any confidential information in their possession and all copies thereof to CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED.

Access/ correction of Personal Information

You have the right to request and obtain from the Chap Chap Africa Limited the personal
information available/maintained on Chap Chap platform about you provided you have the right identification information.

You may request a correction of any data that is inaccurate.

Requests should be addressed by email to support@chapchap.co

You have an obligation to update personal information maintained by CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED


You authorize us to provide any information required to be given under this agreement

You hereby agree, fully and with no objections, that the Company may provide all legal
communications to You electronically by posting them on our website or, at our discretion, by sending an email to the email address that you provided to us and/or to the email address that you currently are keeping in your profile section as an offcial email address of yours.

You acknowledge that if you change your email address, you must promptly notify us of your new email address, you undertake to ensure that your contact details as contained on the Chap Chap Africa Limited Website are up to date at all times.

You may, at any time, withdraw your consent to receive communications from the CHAP CHAP
AFRICA LIMITED electronically by contacting our customer service by email provided at our website.

If you withdraw your consent to receive our communications electronically, you are at the same time discontinuing your use of your personal CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED account, and thereby also all benefits connected to your personal rights as an Agent.

You may give us notice under this agreement, by using the telephone number provided on CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED website or sending an email to the email address provided at our website.

Proprietary and other rights.

Copyrights, Trademarks, CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED AFRICA LIMITED Website and others.

CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED retains exclusive ownership of CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED website, Web Application and Mobile Application contains; artwork, graphics, photographs, images, document layouts, text, fonts, music, software tools, and other information (referred to herein as “Content”) and all other intellectual property rights.

Despite anything to the contrary in this agreement, title to CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED will at no time pass to you or any other third party and it shall be property of the Company at all times.

You will not remove or otherwise alter in any way; any Trade Mark, copyright, CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED website, Web Application and Mobile Application and other intellectual property rights affixed to or otherwise embedded in, CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED Platform without prior written consent from CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED.

Not to take any action which will adversely affect the value attached to CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED’s Intellectual Property rights, or our business. You will not divulge or otherwise allow to be divulged to
any person for your own benefit (except as permitted herein) or for the benefit of any third party any information relating to CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED or our business which is not in the public domain or which otherwise constitutes confidential information.

You acknowledge that your right to use our trade mark and other intellectual property rights does not confer proprietary or other interest during or after termination of this agreement.

Internet and Print Advertising Policy

An Agent may not advertise or promote their personal business using CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED’s products or marketing plan, LOGOs or IMAGES with any electronic media or transmission, including on the Internet via web sites or otherwise, without the prior written approval of the CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED, which approval may be withheld at its sole discretion.

If written approval is given, Agents must abide by use of guidelines set forth by the COMPANY. Thispolicy applies to all forms of print media and advertising.

The Agents of CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED are not allowed to use the name “CHAP
CHAP AFRICA LIMITED AFRICA LIMITED” in own domain names without permission from CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED.

All rights on our CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED website, Web Application and Mobile Application and its Content are reserved worldwide and without exceptions.

By accepting the present Terms and Conditions, Users hereby confirm that it is strictly prohibited to retain, copy, distribute, publish, or use any portion of the Content except as expressly allowed in these Conditions of Use.

CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED reserves the right to add, delete from, or modify any part of its Content at any time and without prior notice.

CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED reserves the full and complete right to use all the elements within the application and to make all such elements available for use.

The Agents/users of CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED do not obtain any right or claim to any of the individual design elements obtained on Chap Chap Africa Limited sites made available as much as they are given a privilege of using them on their business cards and other business tools. CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED is in no way responsible for any images uploaded using our tools for business cards
or other business tools.

Users are hereby granted full permission to access and use CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED website, Web Application and Mobile Application and its Content for the sole purpose of preparing, evaluating, and ordering products from the CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED. No other services such as download, retention, use, publication, or distribution of any portion of CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED Content is authorized or permitted if not specifically permitted by us.

Obtaining Products or contents from CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED does not entitle Users to use any portion of that Content apart from finished Products as they are supplied. Users hereby agree to use the CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED website, Web Application and Mobile Application in a responsible manner that is in full compliance with these Conditions of Use and within the rules of your local laws and regulations, including export and import regulations.

Without limitation, no portion of Content may be utilized as a trademark or service mark, for any pornographic use, for any unlawful purpose or use within the jurisdiction of Users countries laws or the laws where Agents choose to market their CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED AFRICA LIMITED business, to defame any person, to violate any person’s right of privacy or publicity, to infringe upon any copyright, trade name, trademark, service mark or other intellectual property right of any person or entity.

Users hereby agree that they will not use any CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED material; to produce or otherwise make public, at any market, Products that are offensive, unlawful, harassing, libelous, threatening, harmful, obscene, malicious or otherwise objectionable.

CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED reserves the right to terminate its service to users found to be using CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED trademark to engage in undesirable activities.

Chap Chap Africa Limited will not be liable for any disguised use of images, graphics, text or other materials by the agents in the process of promoting Agent’s CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED business. Users further agree that they will not include any text, image, design, trademark, service mark, or any copyrighted work of any third party in the Products unless the appropriate authorizations from the owners.

By registering on this website, Web Application and Mobile Application, Users warrant that they are 18 years old and above and have legal capacity to operate with Chap Chap Africa Limited.


Delivery of Products

You agree that the ownership of Products and Services you purchase transfers to you immediately the transaction is complete and becomes available for use at your through the website, web application or mobile app. Therefore, Chap Chap Africa Limited is not liable for any loss or misuse of the products and service the moment they become available to you.

By accepting this agreement, Users hereby con rm that they understand and accept that CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED will deliver their products and services with its best e orts in a timely manner, however there is no guaranteed time-frame for delivery, and therefore CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED cannot be held liable for orders which arrive later than a user’s desired time frame and hence not liable for any loss that may be caused by such delays.

Product and Service Descriptions

At CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED, we always strive towards being as accurate as possible in our descriptions of products and services. However, Chap Chap Africa Limited does not warrant that products and service descriptions or other content is accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free.

Taxes, Customs, Duties or other fees

The agents of CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED are liable to pay their own taxes.
When ordering Products and services, or receiving commissions or other benefits from CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED, Users may be subject to duties, taxes or other fees, which are levied once the product and service, commission or bene t reach you by specified destination or account.

Policies vary widely from country to country, so it is Users responsibility solely, as a buyer or an
Agent to contact the local administration o ce for further information.

Termination and suspension

CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED reserves the right to terminate any accounts under the following circumstances but not limited to,

Fraudulent activities.

Agent Account shall be terminated immediately the license period expires and this has no grace

A customer account will be blocked upon Upgrading from a customer to an agent.

Where a user reports that their account has been compromised.

And others speci cally provided in this agreement.
May be suspended, during a period of investigation and /or
When the company deems it necessary for its security.


CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED shall amend this Agreement at any time by posting a revised version on its website.

The revised version will be effective at the time it is posted.

All future changes set out in the revised version are incorporated by reference into this Agreement and will be binding as though they were incorporated at the time of signing this agreement.

CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED hereby reserves the right to make changes to this website, Web Application and Mobile Application and/or Conditions of Use at any time without prior notice and in line with what the management sees as serving the interest of CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED and its Agents.

Undertakings, Warranties and indemnities

Chap Chap Africa Limited provides this Information solely on an “AS IS” basis, with no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose, or non-infringement, nor does Chap Chap Africa Limited make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of such information and will have no liability for any errors in, or omissions from, such Information.
Chap Chap Africa Limited shall be under no obligation to update any information or to correct any inaccuracies in any Information provided.

You undertake to compensate Chap Chap Africa Limited for harm or loss su ered or incurred directly or indirectly out of your use of CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED intellectual property rights and related rights, and for any activity that tarnishes the image, goodwill and business of CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED.

I hereby confirm that I have carefully read, understood and agreed, without any objections, to the following Conditions of Use for CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED website, Web Application and Mobile Application. Conditions of Use and Ethical Behavior for users of the Company, govern both your access and use of this website, Web Application and Mobile Application, your rights and obligations as user of CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED and your purchases of products and services through this website, Web Application and Mobile Application.

By accessing and/or using this website, Web Application and Mobile Application or purchasing Products and Services, you are entering into a binding agreement with the Chap Chap Africa Limited and you hereby agree to be bound by these Conditions of Use and any additional guidelines, restrictions, or rules and agreements posted on this website, Web Application and Mobile Application from time to time.

Each user is required to read, understand, and comply with all terms and conditions of the

The Agreement shall constitute the entire understanding of the parties. All parts of this Agreement shall apply to the Registered Agents and users.

By submitting the Agent License Agreement, you hereby agree to all of the terms and conditions herein and by reference all legal terms and conditions.

The Agreement is subject to revision by CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED from time to time at its sole discretion. The Agreement shall govern all aspects of the relationships between CHAP CHAP AFRICA LIMITED and its agents and users.

Governing law

This agreement is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Uganda.


If you have any problem with the service we provide, we would like to hear about them.
When you provide feedback, we have an opportunity to improve our service to you.

If you have a complaint, it is your responsibility to immediately notify us. You can raise your
complaint with our customer support team on the telephone contact number provided on Chap Chap Africa Limited website or email us on the email provided at our website.

Chap Chap Support Department aims to resolve your complaint within 24 hours

In complicated instances, within 7 days.

If still dissatisfied, the party should request for intervention of top management. Specifically the Managing Director.

If still dissatisfied, the parties should refer the matter to a mediator.

The parties can refer to an arbitrator and the arbitrator’s award shall be final, conclusive and binding on the parties.

However, the parties can refer the matter to court in the event that the arbitrator refers them.

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